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Our expertise

​Psychotherapy / Coaching

As university-qualified psychologists and psychotherapists, we will be able to help you free yourself from the difficulties or traumas in your personal life. Thanks to a humanist approach integrating CBT (cognitive and behavioral) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), brief and effective psychotherapeutic techniques, you will be able to treat problems such as mood disorders or lack of confidence. self-esteem, or events such as sexual abuse, violence suffered, loss/mourning, etc. Thus freed, you will be able to grow in your personal life, enjoy your life as a couple and envisage your future life positively. ​ ​ Coaching aims to maximize your potential when your life is going relatively well. ​ ​ Do you want to move forward with motivation while carrying with you a heavy baggage of difficult or traumatic life experiences? If so, a life coach might do the trick. But if you are looking to free yourself from your past baggage and develop deep within yourself the true motivation to move forward with confidence, then a follow-up in psychology would definitely be more useful to you!

Examples of reasons for consultation

Self-esteem and relationship difficulties

Stress / Anxiety / Phobia


​Addiction (substances or screens)

​Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

​Identity disorders

Have you been verbally, physically or sexually assaulted? We can help you free yourself from these traumas.

​Online or in-office consultations

Choisissez de vous épanouir dès maintenant!


Bureaux Mohammed, #15
Boulevard Mohammed VI
Hay Badr, Fès

0532.02.19.27 / 0658.61.91.25

Du lundi au samedi
de 10h à 18h

© Centre Grandir, 2021

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