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Zaineb Zenkouar

​I am your Speech Therapist at the Grandir Center. I hold a speech therapist diploma from the private paramedical institute of Fez. During my career, I had the opportunity to have experience in very diverse services. I have worked both in neurology with adults and the elderly, and in pediatrics with children and adolescents with learning or oral language disabilities, intellectual disability/down syndrome, and deafness. In my work, I pay great attention to the needs and specificities of the people I support. I am also interested in the rehabilitation of language delays, writing or calculation difficulties, articulation disorders, dysphasia, or stuttering. Beyond written and oral language disorders, I also know how to provide care for neurological or autism spectrum disorders. My work consists of screening acts and assessments, integrating the psychological, social, economic and cultural dimension of patients from the first history meeting until during the rehabilitation sessions. Within the Center Grandir, I would like to put my creativity, my sense of observation and listening at your disposal, as well as facilitate collaboration between the professional team and the family. Everyone deserves to communicate well!


Pour enfants, adolescents ou adultes avec autisme, surdité, déficience intellectuelle, trisomie 21, retard de langage, trouble du langage oral ou écrit, difficulté d’articulation, bégaiement, trouble de déglutition, laryngectomie, dysgraphie, dyslexie, dysphasie, dysphonie…

  • Bilan orthophonique

  • Rééducation

  • Guidance parentale

  • Stimulation précoce

La communication est un droit et non pas un privilège!

Choisissez de vous épanouir dès maintenant!


Bureaux Mohammed, #15
Boulevard Mohammed VI
Hay Badr, Fès

0532.02.19.27 / 0658.61.91.25

Du lundi au samedi
de 10h à 18h

© Centre Grandir, 2021

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